Life is full of challenges, obstacles, and problems. The inability to manage these challenges could cause stress.  Stress is the body’s natural defense against danger. It causes the body to flood with hormones that prepare its systems to evade or confront danger. People commonly refer to this as the fight-or-flight mechanism. However, stress can become a chronic condition if a person does not take steps to manage it.

According to Statistics Canada General Social Survey, work is the main source of stress for 6 to 10 highly stressed workers. Below is the percentage of highly stressed employed population aged 20 to 64

  • Work 62%
  • Finances 12%
  • Time 12%
  • Family 8%
  • Personal other 6%

The process of photography-from visualising to composing and setting up your exposure to manipulate light requires focus. This process by nature is meditative that draws you into a creative state, which helps to reduce stress. In this sense, photography is mindfulness.

Based on a research, The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature.  Scientists analyzed and reported a summary of over 100 studies focusing on the effects of art on physical and psychological health, Photography not just allows you to express yourself, it also helps bring focus to positive life experiences, enhances your self-worth, and even reduces the stress hormone cortisol. It turns out that taking photos gives you a perspective in more ways than one.

De-stress with Photography is a fun-filled workshop. The participants will learn the technical and creative aspects of Photography which will have a positive impact on our mental and physical health. With smartphone cameras reaching a phenomenal level of quality, many people already have what’s needed to take up the hobby in a serious way.